Retrofit Videos

soft-story retrofit videos

everything you need to know about soft-story retrofit

Our Latest Retrofit Project | Van Nuys Retrofit

How to Use Cantilever Columns Correctly (SCCS)

Why We Add Lumber | West LA Retrofit

Special Moment Frame Installation | Los Angeles Retrofit

West Los Angeles Seismic Retrofit

West LA Retrofit | Project Update

South LA Retrofit | Taking Measurements

Concrete Pour | Harbor City Seismic Retrofit

Remembering Northridge: 25 Years Later

First Week of Progress

Common Construction Complications

How to Retrofit a Soft-Story?

Approved Retrofit Plans: LADBS Metro Office

Soft-Story Construction Process and FAQ

How Do I Get My Soft-Story Retrofit Plans Approved?

Full-Scale Shake Test: What Happens to a Soft-Story During an Earthquake?

Apartment Owners Association - Long Beach 2017

Here's what you'll learn

The Time to Get Started is Now

what is a soft-story?

Soft-Story buildings are the most common type of apartment building in Los Angeles, but most owners don't know what a soft-story building looks like. Watch this video and you'll know if your property is a soft-story.

how to comply with retrofit ordinances

Once you receive an Order to Comply (OTC) notice in the mail you have to begin the retrofit process. This video will help explain why ordinance 183893 and 184081 were passed, and how they affect you.

retrofit process and faq

The retrofit process can be a little confusing. We made this short video to help you understand all the elements you need to get your soft-story retrofit started quickly and easily. 

How to Hire a Contractor

Finding the right retrofit contractor can be a little intimidating. Choose the best contractor for your project by considering other factors besides the cost of construction. 

Japanese Shake-Test 

Earthquakes cause lots of damage - watch this video and see how two different buildings behave during a large scale earthquake simulation.

soft-story retrofit pros


This series of videos are designed to help property owners and tenants understand the soft-story retrofit process.

If you received an Order to Comply letter in the mail, you're going to need a Team of Pros on your side. The City of Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and West Hollywood all require owners to retrofit their properties by law. Don't get caught off guard, Retrofit Pros can help you.